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For sponsorships and inquiries, please email me at paigeflamm@gmail.com (please mention Better in the Bible in the subject or body of your email so I know which website you're referring to as I run multiple sites).

I am more than willing to work with companies to help promote products that I love, and that fit not only the lifestyle of myself and my family, but my readers as well. If you would like to receive a copy of my media kit, please feel free to contact me at paigeflamm@gmail.com

I will gladly engage in collaborations with companies through product reviews, giveaways, sponsored posts, and sidebar advertisements. For more information on rates and these collaborations, please contact me for my media kit as mentioned above. 

I am also more than happy to engage in button swaps and sidebar advertisements with other bloggers of equal or higher stats. Please e-mail me at paigeflamm@gmail.com for details and pricing. 

While this blog does participate in many forms of collaboration with brands and companies, all content will be labeled as such. There will always be a disclosure on every post that was provided with some sort of compensation. 
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